Josef Cvačka: přednášky


       1. Úvod do HPLC (3. 10. 2023)

                   Videa: High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC


2. Instrumentace (17. 10. 2023)

          Videa: Operating an HPLC Part 1

Operating an HPLC Part 2


          3. Kvalitativní analýza (24. 10. 2023)

                   Videa: Introduction to infrared spectroscopy

                   UV/Vis spectroscopy

                   Introduction to proton NMR


4. Trendy a novinky v HPLC (28. 11. 2023)

                   Videa: Photolithography: Step by step

                   Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography (2D LC)

                   Performance of ChromSword offline 2 with ACE screening kit



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Výuková videa o HPLC (Ardent Scientific)